HomeFoodHave you eaten pizza in a cup? Learn how to make instant...

Have you eaten pizza in a cup? Learn how to make instant cup pizza

Pizza… We Indians have completely transformed this Italian dish into Indian costumes. We have made and eaten not one but many varieties of it. In Italy, pizza served in most restaurants is served without slicing. There people eat it with knives and forks.

Many credit the pizza made to Raphael Esposito, a baker from Naples in Italy. At the same time, some people say that its history is older than the end of 1800.

Today we can make pizza as we like and our mums are one step ahead of the chef. On the insistence of children, they have invented a way to make pizza from bread to bread.

If your children insist on eating pizza every weekend, then you should definitely try this recipe. You don’t even have to work too hard to make it.

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How to make –
  • First of all, prepare all the ingredients. You can add vegetables according to your choice. Use fresh breads for this.
  • After this, to make instant pizza, break 4-6 bread pieces and put them in a blender and grind them.
  • Heat butter in a pan and add finely chopped garlic to it and saute. Add the powdered bread and fry it well.
  • When the bread turns golden in color, remove the pan from the flame. Now add all the three types of capsicum, onion, seasoning and ketchup in a bowl and mix well.
  • Put a tablespoon of roasted breadcrumbs in a large cup. Add 1 teaspoon of mixed pizza serving on top of it. Prepare a layer by putting cheese on top. Put a lot of cheese and basil leaves on top and bake in the oven.
  • Your instant cup of pizza is ready. Now whenever children insist on it, you make it at home and serve them.

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