HomeFoodServe this interesting recipe with the help of soggy biscuits.

Serve this interesting recipe with the help of soggy biscuits.

Biscuit with tea is one such combination which we all love to relish. Whether it is morning breakfast or evening snack time, we usually eat biscuits with tea. Not only this, a biscuit of a different taste every time enhances the taste of our tea even more. This is the reason why we like to keep a variety of biscuits in our kitchen. But if they are not removed in time, they get sealed soon. Because of which he does not feel like eating them. Normally in this situation we exclude soggy biscuits. In this way your money just gets wasted.

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However, now you do not need to waste these money. Even if your biscuits are sealed, they can still be used in many different recipes. This way you can also enhance your taste and reuse the soggy biscuits. So, today in this article, we are telling you about some such best recipes, which can be made with the help of soggy biscuits.

Make smoothie

We all love to drink smoothies. Especially, when we feel like drinking something other than tea or coffee, we make smoothies or shakes. However, if you want to make your smoothie even more delicious, then biscuits can be made in this way. For this, all you have to do is add a spoonful of biscuit crumbs to the chocolate shake and then make a smoothie out of it. When you test it, it will be more thick and very delicious.

Make donuts with biscuits

Donuts can also be prepared from leftover soggy biscuits. If children in your house often like to eat donuts, then make donuts with soggy biscuits. For this, all you have to do is make small donuts by mixing biscuit crumbs and butter, then deep fry them in oil till they turn golden brown from both the sides. Serve by putting icing on top. (Do you know the difference between cookies and biscuits?

Make Baked Biscuit Bites

It is a different recipe which will give a treat to your taste buds. For this you cut the biscuits in half and make them nonstick.

It is a different recipe which will give a treat to your taste buds. Cut the biscuits in half and place them on a baking sheet sprayed with nonstick cooking spray. Topping it with some veggie mix and sauce. Also, add cheese and bake in a 325 degree oven for 15 minutes or until heated through.

Ice cream Sandwich

We all love to eat sandwiches in summer. In this case, prepare ice cream sandwich with the help of soggy biscuits. It is also very easy to make. You mix biscuits, butter, chocolate and cinnamon together to make a soft dough out of it. Spread it in a tray and bake it for 10 minutes. Now cut it and place a scoop of ice cream in between the two bars. Now freeze it and test it. In this way, you can make a delicious ice cream sandwich and serve it to everyone.

So now you also serve soggy biscuits in these different ways. You must also tell us your opinion about this article in the comment box. Also, if you liked this article, then do share it and stay connected with your own website Harzindagi to read other similar articles.


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