HomeTravelsThings you should know before going on vacation to Mexico City

Things you should know before going on vacation to Mexico City

Mexico City is one of the best destinations in the world. In regards to safety, travelers should consider certain things before seeing it. There are some helpful recommendations for travelers to consider.

COVID-19 Protocols in the Mexico City

Vaccines against the coronavirus or sanitary masks are not required anywhere in Mexico City. Travelers shouldn’t encounter any pandemic-related hurdles on their visit. While the sanitary masks are voluntary in hotels, restaurants, cinemas, and shopping centers and will only be requested in isolated cases or an emergency. Sometimes, requests are made for Churches and hospitals, but only in exceptional circumstances.

Never take Street Taxis, take uber instead

The Mexico City is one of the capital cities with the most Uber options in the world. The uber app is the best option for travelers to get around safely and quickly. The taxis used are those either authorized by the airport or hotels. You should never use those that pass by the street, even when their service is cheaper. Digital platforms for taxi-like services are the safest. It can be requested 24 hours a day. It is essential that users request the service from within the facilities of hotels or restaurants and not wait for their arrival on the street.

Avoid these Markets in the city

Although, in Mexico City, numerous craft markets sell unique products and souvenirs, but still some should be avoided because of their lack of security. also read:-Tripura, Unakoti’s recognise as UNESCO world heritage site

These are the markets of La Merced, Lagunilla, and Tepito. These sell several products which includes including food, electronics, antiques, and contraband products. These places can be interesting for tourists. But, they should be avoided because of the threat posed by the gangs that may control these markets.

Metro subways are highly recommended

Best of all subways are there in Mexico City around the world. It is highly recommended to use it to quickly reach your desired destination. Especially, the historical center where most of the city’s museums are located. Travelers need to consider avoiding rush hours, in the early morning and around 6 p.m. It is essential to always keep an eye on your purse and wallet and never board the subway with suitcases or laptops.

Mind the Water you take for yourself

The city has an endless supply of restaurants and food on the street. It is essential to note that the water is unreliable, so always order bottled water.It is not advisable to order drinks with ice in bars because there is a risk that they have been made with poorly sanitized water, which can affect health. Order soft drinks without ice and, always take bottled water for children.


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