HomeSportsSports: 7 Hilariously Awkward Moments You Need To See

Sports: 7 Hilariously Awkward Moments You Need To See

If you’re a die-hard sports fan, you undoubtedly treat anything involving your team with extreme seriousness. We do appreciate that, but there have undoubtedly been some incredibly uncomfortable moments. Depending on how you look at it, a photo taken at just the perfect moment (or incorrect timing) may give the impression that something weird is happening.
Cheeseheads Become Cheesebras
Because of their hats, Green Bay Packers supporters are known as cheeseheads, but this dynamic couple is changing things up a bit with their cheesy bras. Just a few crackers to go with all that cheese would be nice.
Robert Gronkowski Gets Pantsed
An NFL game where someone is pantsed is always a bad situation. This New England Patriots player undoubtedly regretted not getting a better belt when he was tackled from behind. Robert Gronkowski is the infamous athlete, and it was his posterior end that made history with this wonderfully timed image.
Rafa Keeps Abreast of His Match
Rafael Nadal should play in the middle of the court because of his ability to pay close attention to every detail of the game, even the ball girl. Even though wearing white was essential, she still needed to spend some significant time in the mirror before the game. Let’s hope that Nadal was still able to follow the game.
Water Bottle Fail
Dustin Brown is unable to properly descend. This skilled ice hockey player may have taken one too many blows to the head to make this amateur water bottle mistake. Competent athletes can only concentrate on the game. Dustin won’t be able to get over this.
Manscaping for NASCAR
For this hair-raising occasion, a die-hard NASCAR fan decides to shave the number of his preferred driver into his carpet of back hair. We can only hope that this person doesn’t figuratively and literally turn his back on his pal. Manicuring for sporting purposes? It is now a reality.

Also read:The Last of Us: Third episode’s big twist is hinted to by Troy Baker.

Catching Punches
That is some great fielding. Take a look at the height of the jump that was made to get the ball. The only thing preventing an incredible catch was a punch from an irate supporter. Whether it was done on purpose or simply at the perfect moment, it’s a remarkable picture.
Streaking During a Champions League Match
She scores when she streaks! This streaker earned her brief moment of fame for her valiant attempt to dash across the football field before being led back to the stands. This pitch-invader, who really should save her outfit for the beach, brutally disrupted the UEFA Champions League game.

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