HomeEntertainment GossipsMalaika Arora is in a serious relationship with Arjun Kapoor, the...

Malaika Arora is in a serious relationship with Arjun Kapoor, the couple has created a massive fan

Malaika Arora, a well-known Bollywood actress, has consistently dazzled her admirers and following with both her glitzy appearances and her courage. The model-turned-actor defied all conventional expectations, set an example by following her heart, and encouraged many other women to do the same. Malaika Arora began dating actor Arjun Kapoor after divorcing actor Arbaaz Khan after 19 years of marriage. With their mutual respect and sporadic PDA, the deeply in love couple won the hearts of their followers and received unending praise.

Malaika Arora recently spoke at the India Today Conference 2023 session titled “Bursting Bubbles” where she discussed defying stereotypes, dating younger men, love, sex, ageism, and much more. She also discussed her upcoming nuptials throughout the session.

Regarding dating a younger man, Malaika Arora

The well-known actress claims that even her closest friends and family members informed her that she had “obviously lost her marbles” after falling in love with Arjun Kapoor, a man who is 12 years her junior. It doesn’t stop the couple from falling head over heels for one another, though. Malaika Arora described the overall adventure thus far as follows: “I find it to be incredible. I was informed the tag would remain on me forever when I got divorced. Seeking love after a divorce was a different matter. After falling in love with a younger man, I was blatantly told I had lost my mind. Just let me emphasise that age has nothing to do with love.”

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Malaika Arora discusses her upcoming nuptials in detail.

Malaika Arora said that she and Arjun Kapoor are currently in the pre-honeymoon stage. They are not in a rush to get hitched. “Why is marriage viewed as the ultimate goal in life? The subject of marriage is brought up frequently between partners. If we must make that decision, we will consider it, make a decision, and discuss it. Right now, we are simply enjoying life. We are relishing this time before our honeymoon “She spoke.


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