HomeTravelsHottest Places in the World: Know about the hottest places in the...

Hottest Places in the World: Know about the hottest places in the world?

Hottest Places on Earth: The heat that has wreaked havoc this year, it seems that there will be no relief in the coming months. In India itself, the heat is so bad, so imagine what would be happening in the hottest places in the world. Today we tell you about some of the places on earth through this article, which are counted among the hottest places. 

Ghadames place in the middle of the Libyan desert

This place is known for a house made of mud huts. About 7,40 people live here. The average temperature here is 55 degrees, the highest temperature has been recorded here at 55 degrees. Tunisia’s desert city of Kebili Khajur also recorded the highest temperature of <> degrees.

Fleming Mountain, China

Hearing the name of the mountain, cold places start coming to our mind. The temperature at this place reaches 50 degrees Celsius during the summer days. In 2008, the temperature of this place was recorded at 66.8 degrees Celsius.

The Sahara Desert of Africa

How can one forget places like deserts in the hottest places in the world. The average temperature here is between 35 and 42 degrees Celsius. Sometimes the temperature reaches 58 degrees, the limit is reached when the temperature is recorded at 76 degrees Celsius.

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Queensland, Australia

Queensland, known as ‘Badlands’, is a large desert here. There was a drought in 2003, during which the temperature was recorded at 69.3 degrees Celsius.

Death Valley of America

No matter how strange the name is, Death Valley falls into the driest and hottest regions of North America. In July 1913, the temperature of this place was recorded up to 56.7 degrees Celsius. This is the highest temperature so far.


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